Here are five photos I took outside that have good lines.
This was a photo I took for the last project but I think it has a great variety of lines. The bricks have lines, the cement has lines and the power lines have lines. I think this is a great composition with lines.
This is a LOT of power lines together. Also, the tower has many diagonal lines. I feel this is a good composition because there is a focal point and the power lines create repetition.
I really like this picture. I think it creates a great pattern with the power lines overlapping. Also, I like that there are several towers in a row. It creates dominance and repetition. The patterns of the lines also create movement.
There is a lot of variety of lines in this photo. There are lines from the bricks, lines separating the red bricks, lines on the ground, lines around the windows, and lines on the roof. Also, the focal point is to the right.
This picture has many lines. The power lines create movement.